
make it easier to manage the properties/attributes of your class.
- Inherited properties with class.
- Assign properties from a plain object(JSON Object).
- Clone object.
- Compare object whether is the same.
- Export properties to a plain object(JSON Object).
- Declare properties with type and default value.
- Supports
property with type
- Supports property with
(the property value is determined by the template content):
{string | (this) => string}:
- the template string, eg,
- or customize template function,
function() {return + '-' + uuid()}
: {Object} the optional functions could be used in the template string.
- NOTE: the template property is readonly by default. You can make it writeable.
Once a new value has been written, the template will be no useful unless the new value is null or undefined.
We often need to manage the properties of an object, consider the following:
- Set the options to the properties of object when the object was created
var myObj = new MyObject({opt1:value1, opt2:value2})
- Assign the options from another object:
myObj.assign({opt1:v1, opt2:v2})
- Clone an object:
var newObj = myObj.clone()
- Compare two objects whether is the same by their options(assigned properties).
- Export the properties as a plain object or JSON to make recreate the object easier in the future.
- There are some internal attributes should not be exported.
- The empty or default value of an attribute should not be exported.
- the meaningful(non-english) name should be exported and assigned.
and myObj.toJSON()
- Problem: how to assign an object value of a property?
- replace the standard
- define the attribute's
assign(value, dest, src, name)
method on the $attributes
- the custom attribute's
the value. return the changed value.
- Problem: how to decide which property should be assign or get default value of an attribute?
- define all attributes on this object even though the value is null.
- no default value feature.
- define a simple
property to manage this:
- {attrName: {value:'defaultValue'}, ...}
- define a complex
(use Properties
class) to manage attributes.
So we have these classes: SimplePropertyManager,NormalPropertyManager and AdvancePropertyManager.
first the rules of the properties:
- exported attributes means they are the JSON.stringify(aObj) attributes only.
- The non-enumerable attributes can not be exported and assigned.
- The enumerable attributes beginning with '$' can not be exported. but can be assigned.
value can not be exported.
- the readonly(writable is false) attributes can not be assigned.
- the assignment order of properties is the order of defined properties.
You can inherit from it
- SimplePropertyManager: /lib/simple
- use the object's property descriptor directly.
- so do not support default value.
- do not support object value assignment hook function.
- do not support meaningful(non-english) name.
- NormalPropertyManager: /lib/normal
- use the
plain object to hold the declaration properties
- support default value.
- support object value assignment hook function.
- support meaningful(non-english) name.
- AdvancePropertyManager: /lib/advance
- use the
to hold the declaration properties
- the
is an instance of Properties
- so you can custom your
class inherited from.
- support default value.
- support object value assignment hook function.
- support meaningful(non-english) name.
- support type check if possible.
The $attributes
holds all attributes(like the property descriptor) of an object.
The key
is the property name. the value is the property descriptor:
- name (String): the non-english name to export, Defaults to the
- value: the property's default value if exists. Defaults to
- type (String): the property's type name. defaults to undefined.
- enumerable (Boolean): defaults to true
- true if and only if this property shows up during enumeration of
the properties on the corresponding object.
- configurable (Boolean): defaults to true
- true if and only if the type of this property descriptor may be changed
and if the property may be deleted from the corresponding object.
- writable (Boolean): defaults to true
- true if and only if the value associated with the property may be changed
with an assignment operator.
- assign (Function(value, dest, src, name)):the custom attribute assignment function.
the changed value. defaults to undefined.
It means do not assign this value if return undefined
- Note: It only used on assign the options from another object.
- It's no effect if the assign the property individually. use the property descriptor
to do so.
- Wrap it as smart-assign feature(only on Advance Property Manager):
- add a hidden internal property with prefix automatically
- add descriptor
function to read the property automatically
- add descriptor
function to assign the property(call the assign
descriptor) automatically.
- only available on Normal and Advance Property Manager:
(Boolean): whether the property can be assigned. defaults: undefined
- if undefined then
=enumerable isn't false and (writable isn't false or isFunction(set))
- Smart Assign Support only available on AdvancePropertyManager
(Boolean|String): enable smart-assign support when the assigned is string
- it uses the
as the internal property name if the string is empty
- the
string is the internal property name if it's non-empty.
(Boolean): whether the property can be exported. defaults: undefined
- if
then =enumerable isn't false and the first char isn't "$"
(String|ArrayOf String): add the alias(es) to the property. It used via assignment from options.
(Boolean): Whether clone default property value if the value is an object when initializing.
defaults to true.
'$attributes': {
'attrName': {
name: 'exportedName',
value: 123,
enumerable: false,
type: 'String',
configurable: true,
writable: true,
assign: function(value, dest, src, name)
get: ...,
set: ....
Or inject it as an ability
these methods will be added(replaced):
: overwrite this for assign options from constructor?
- apply the initialized value of the properties to the object if possible.
- then call
: assign the options' attributes to this object.
- how to decide which attribute should be assign?
- I need an attributes manage class? or just a simple attributes list?
- or define all attributes even the value is null when initialize
- this must be an optional feature.
assignPropertyTo(dest, options, attributeName, value)
: assign an attribute to dest.
- you can override it to determine howto assign an object value.
assignProperty(options, attributeName, value)
: assign an atrribute. called by assign
: assign the attributes to this dest
: merge the attributes itself to dest
- do not overwrite the already exist attributes of the
: compare the obj
's attributes whether is the same value with itself.
: create a new object with the same attributes' value.
: convert it as plain object.
- do not export the non-enumerable attributes or beginning with '$'
- do not export the attribute's value is null
- do not export the attribute's value is default value.
- where to get the default value?
: this will call the toObject()
to return.
Note: you should specify the position of the argument if the first argument is not the options
Make your class manage the properties
there are two ways to make your class manage the attributes.
- Class inherits from
- inherits from PropertyManager directly.
- Ability to hook on any class
- You need confirm these method names are not be used.
is used via normal and advance PropertyManager.
the nonExported1stChar
is used to change the first char of non-exported
property, defaults to '$'. It must be exist.
The first four methods must be exist. others are optional.
But be care of their dependencies.
- $attributes (unless use simple PropertyManager)
- nonExported1stChar
- assign
- assignPropertyTo
- getProperties
- defineProperties
- clone (optional)
- initialize (optional)
- assignProperty (optional)
- mergeTo (optional)
- getProperties
- assignPropertyTo
- exportTo (optional)
- assignTo (optional)
- getProperties
- assignPropertyTo
- toObject (optional)
- toJSON (optional)
- isSame (optional)
Class Inherits
there are three PropertyManager class to use, the default is NormalPropertyManager.
inherits = require 'inherits-ex/lib/inherits'
PropertyManager = require 'property-manager' # the default is normal
PropertyManager = require 'property-manager/lib/normal'
SimplePropertyManager = require 'property-manager/lib/simple'
AdvancePropertyManager = require 'property-manager/lib/advance'
# Only for Normal or Advance PropertyManager
defineProperties = ProperManager.defineProperties
class MyClass
inherits MyClass, PropertyManager
# if you use normal or advance property manager
# you can define your properties here to:
defineProperties MyClass, {
'attr1': {value:123}
'hidden': {value:1, enumerable: false}
'$dontExport': {value:3, enumerable: true}
assign:(value, dest, src, name)->
value.exta = 123
return value
constructor: (@name, options)->
# if you use the SimplePropertyManager
# you should define your properties here:
#@defineProperties {
# 'attr1': {value:123}
# 'hidden': {value:1, enumerable: false}
# '$dontExport': {value:3, enumerable: true}
super options
class MyClassEx
inherits MyClassEx, MyClass
defineProperties MyClassEx, {'extra': {value: 'extra'}}
constructor: ->super
the following is javascript:
var inherits = require('inherits-ex/lib/inherits');
var PropertyManager = require('property-manager');
var PropertyManager = require('property-manager/lib/normal');
var SimplePropertyManager = require('property-manager/lib/simple');
var AdvancePropertyManager = require('property-manager/lib/advance');
var defineProperties = ProperManager.defineProperties
function MyClass(name, options) { = name;, options);
inherits(MyClass, PropertyManager);
defineProperties(MyClass, {
'attr1': {value:123},
'hidden': {value:1, enumerable: false},
'$dontExport': {value:3, enumerable: true},
'custom': {
value: {},
assign: function(value, dest, src, name) {
if (value == null) {
value = {};
value.exta = 123;
return value;
function MyClassEx() {
MyClassEx.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
inherits(MyClassEx, MyClass);
defineProperties(MyClassEx, {'extra': {value: 'extra'}});
Ability to hook on any class
propertyManager = require 'property-manager/ability'
class MyClass
# add the property manager ability to MyClass
# the default is normal property manager
# propertyManager MyClass
# you can specified the property manager 'simple', 'advance', 'normal':
# propertyManager MyClass, 'simple'
# propertyManager MyClass, name: 'simple'
# and you can specified the options position in the arguments
propertyManager MyClass, optionsPosition: 1
# you can exclude some non-core methods
# propertyManager MyClass, optionsPosition: 1, exclude: ['assignTo', ...]
# if you use normal or advance property manager
# you can define your properties here to:
defineProperties = MyClass.defineProperties
defineProperties MyClass, {
'attr1': {value:123}
'hidden': {value:1, enumerable: false}
'$dontExport': {value:3, enumerable: true}
assign: (value, dest, src, name, {isExported}) ->
if isExported
else if !(value instanceof Date)
new Date(value)
assign:(value, dest, src, name, opts)->
value.exta = 123
return value
constructor: (@name, options)->
# if you use the SimplePropertyManager
# you should define your properties here:
#@defineProperties {
# 'attr1': {value:123, enumerable: true}
# 'hidden': {value:1, enumerable: false}
# '$dontExport': {value:3, enumerable: false}
@initialize.apply @, arguments
class MyClassEx
inherits MyClassEx, MyClass
defineProperties MyClassEx, {'extra': {value: 'extra'}}
constructor: ->super
the following is javascript:
var propertyManager = require('property-manager/ability');
function MyClass(name, options) { = name;
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
propertyManager(MyClass, {optionsPosition: 1});
var defineProperties = MyClass.defineProperties;
defineProperties(MyClass, {
'attr1': {value: 123},
'hidden': {value: 1, enumerable: false},
'$dontExport': {value: 3, enumerable: true},
'date': {
assign(value, dest, src, name, {isExported}) {
let result;
if (isExported) {
result = value.toISOString()
} else if (!(value instanceof Date)) {
result = new Date(value)
return result;
'custom': {
value: {},
assign: function(value, dest, src, name, opts) {
if (value == null) {
value = {};
value.exta = 123;
return value;
function MyClassEx() {
MyClassEx.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
inherits(MyClassEx, MyClass);
defineProperties(MyClassEx, {'extra': {value: 'extra'}});
Use the Property Manager
Now the MyClass
class should have four attributes
- attr1: can be exported and assigned
- hidden: can not be exported and assigned
- $dontExport: can be assigned, can not be exported.
- custom: can be exported and assigned, the value be changed by
function in the property descriptor.
the MyClassEx
inherits from MyClass
(NOTE: only for normal or advance property manager)
- extra: can be exported and assigned.
- others inherit from
assert = require 'assert'
my = new MyClass 'aName', attr1: 3, hidden:11222, $dontExport: 1, custom:{b:12}
assert.deepEqual my.mergeTo(), attr1:3, $dontExport:1, custom:{b:12, exta: 123}
assert.equal my.hidden, 1 # the `hidden` can not be assigned and exported
assert.deepEqual my.toObject(), attr1:3 # the `$dontExport` can not be exported
assert.equal JSON.stringify(my), '{"attr1":3,"custom":{"b":12,"exta":123}}'
obj = my.clone()
assert.ok obj.isSame(my) # compare each assigned properties.
assert.deepEqual obj.mergeTo(), attr1:3, $dontExport:1, custom:{b:12, exta: 123}
myEx = new MyClassEx 'theClassEx', attr1: 3, hidden:11222, $dontExport: 1, custom:{b:12}
assert.deepEqual myEx.mergeTo(), extra:'extra', attr1:3, $dontExport:1, custom:{b:12, exta: 123}
the following is javascript:
var assert = require('assert');
var my = new MyClass('aName', {
attr1: 3,
hidden: 11222,
$dontExport: 1,
custom: {
b: 12
assert.deepEqual(my.mergeTo(), {
attr1: 3,
$dontExport: 1,
custom: {
b: 12,
exta: 123
assert.equal(my.hidden, 1);
assert.deepEqual(my.toObject(), {
attr1: 3
assert.equal(JSON.stringify(my), '{"attr1":3,"custom":{"b":12,"exta":123}}');
var obj = my.clone();
assert.deepEqual(obj.mergeTo(), {
attr1: 3,
$dontExport: 1,
custom: {
b: 12,
exta: 123
More recent changes see:
- feat: add the readonly to smart assigned property
class Phone extends AdvancePropertyManager {
writable: false,
exported: true,
assigned: '',
}) id!: string;
- BROKEN CHANGE: DO NOT EXPORT the readonly property by default unless exported is true.
class Phone extends AdvancePropertyManager {
writable: false,
exported: true,
}) id!: string;
- add the array with type supports.
import { arrayOf } from 'property-manager/lib/array';
import AdvancePropertyManager from 'property-manager/lib/advance';
import { PropertyManager as Properties, Property as Prop } from 'property-manager-decorator';
class Phone extends AdvancePropertyManager {
@Prop() value!: string;
@Prop() codeNum!: string;
@Prop() kind!: string;
constructor(initValue?) {
class Contact extends AdvancePropertyManager {
@Prop({type: String}) name!: string;
@Prop({type: arrayOf(Phone)}) phones!: Phone[];
constructor(initValue?) {
- BROKEN change
method params to (options?: IMergeOptions)
- BROKEN change
method params to (src, options?: IMergeOptions)
- BROKEN change
method params to (dest, options?: IMergeOptions)
- BROKEN change
and assignProperty
method params to (dest, src, name: string, value, attrs?, options?: IMergeOptions)
- BROKEN change
method params to (dest, options?: IExportOptions)
- BROKEN change
method params to (dest, options?: IMergeOptions)
- add
and skipUndefined
option to IExportOptions
and IMergeOptions
- add the
extends(attrs: Object, nonExported1stChar)
method to the Properties
- return a new
instance to extends properties from current instance.
- add the inherited properties supports for
- change the
argument default value of defineProperties
to false
for AdvancePropertyManager
and NormalPropertyManager
- set all methods and non-properties of
to be non-enumerable.
- add typed property for
and NormalPropertyManager
function CustomType(value) {
if (!(this instanceof CustomType)) return new CustomType(value)
try {
value = JSON.parse(value)
} catch(err) {
this.value = value
const attrs = {
prop1: {type: CustomType, value: 111}
class TypedPM extends AdvancePropertyManager {
constructor(opts) {
const obj = new TypedPM()
console.log(obj.prop1 instanceof CustomType)
- add the
option to the Properties.assignTo
and Properties.assignPropertyTo
- the options to the
Properties.assignTo(dest, src, options)
- add the alias property descriptor(Normal&Advance):
- You can define one or more aliases to assign from other object(options)
(String|ArrayOf String)
- Smart assignment property supports(AdvancePropertyManager):
- broken: SMART_ASSIGN constant deprecated.
descriptor (Boolean|String):
- it's the internal property name of the smart assignment if it's string
- the internal property name is the property name with prefix(
if it's an empty string
- broken: remove
property(fixed to '$attributes')
- add the helper function: properties/define-properties.
- clone default property value if the value is an object when initializing
- the object instances will share the same one of property value if the default value of property is an object.
- howto create a new object instance when initializing default value.
- Solution 1: the
descriptor could be a function to create new object instance:
- Problem1: it will be only available for normal and advance property manager
value: function (){return Object.create()}
- Problem2: the value can not be a function now.
- Solution 2: check the value whether is object. if so, clone it when initializing.
- use this solution. but if someone wish all instance share the same value.
- add a descriptor to control whethe enable this. but simple can not support the custom descriptor.
(Boolean): defaults to true.
- Smart assignment property supports:
- assign property descriptor (Function(value, dest, src, name)):
- It only used to assign the options from another object.
- It's no effect if the assign the property individually. should use the property descriptor
to do so.
- maybe I should wrap it:
- add a hidden internal property with prefix(
- add descriptor
function to read the property
- add descriptor
function to assign the property(call the assign
- need a descriptor to control whethe enable this.
: AdvancePropertyManager::SMART_ASSIGN = 2
- enabled:
!get and !set and assigned is AdvancePropertyManager::SMART_ASSIGN
- only available for advance property manager.
- note: only
argument is passed into assign
descriptor when assignment the property individually.
- add the property writable check: do not assign the readonly property.
- Normal, Advance
- add the
, exported
(Boolean) to property descriptor directly.
: enumerable isnt false and (writable isnt false or isFunction(set)).
: enumerable isnt false and the first char isnt "$"
(Char), defaults to '$'
- note: the
descriptor is higher prior than nonExported1stChar
option to the property manager ability.
- broken the arguments order of assign function in property descriptor are changed:
- attr.assign(value, dest, src, name, opts) instead of assign(dest, src, value, name)